Guidelines to Parents
Parents play a key role in grooming of the child. Because they are the first teachers at home. Home surroundings, environment, behaviour, relationships reflect on the child’s personality.
Following guidelines are expected to be followed for smooth functioning of the school and for harmonious development of child’s progress.
- Send your ward to the school with complete set of books as per class time table.
- Send your ward to the school in proper uniform.
- See your ward is punctual and regular in completing the written/oral assignments given by the teachers.
- Check the school diary daily.
- Check the School Calendar for academics, examinations, holidays, vacation(s) and Co-curricular activities
- Additional information is provided on the school Website.
- Attend Parent Teacher Meeting (PTM) as per the school schedule to discuss the progress of your ward in academics and co-scholastic activities.
- Give your valuable suggestions and feedback to the school management for betterment on your visit to the school.
- Observe parents visiting timings.
- Pay your ward’s fee as per the payment schedule communicated to you.
- If your ward is absent for any exam, re-exam will not be conducted under any circumstance.
- Your ward must apply for leave if he is absent for the school.
- Costly items, electronic gadgets, mobile phones, watches, cameras, jewelry, etc are strictly prohibited. If your ward is provided these items school will not bear any responsibility if lost.
- Whenever there is a change in your address, phone number, kindly inform the school office immediately for proper communication.
- Submit your ward’s Date of Birth, Transfer Certificate, Medical report in the school office. If you haven’t submitted.
- Kindly check your ward’s personal details like Name, Father’s Name, Mother’s Name , Date of Birth are properly printed on the progress report etc.
- Your ward must have minimum attendance of 75% .